Privacy Policy

INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR)


This information is provided for the site " " ( Site ) owned by ACASrl, with registered office in Viale Emilio Caldara 15 Milano MI 20122 IT, with VAT no. 11846260963 ( Data Controller ), as Data Controller pursuant to the GDPR.

Purchases on the Site

Upon your provision, your personal data will be processed to allow you to make purchases on the Site.


The information and data requested in case of registration will be used to allow you both to access the reserved area of ​​the Site and to use the online services offered by the Data Controller to registered users.


Subject to your consent, the Data Controller may process the personal data provided by you in order to send you advertising material and/or newsletters relating to its own or third party products.

Soft spamming

The Data Controller may use, for the purposes of direct sales of the products offered for sale through the Site, the e-mail coordinates provided by you in the context of a purchase on the Site, even without your consent, provided that it is a product similar to that of the previous sale (so-called soft spamming). However, you may refuse this processing at any time by communicating your opposition to the Data Controller.


In compliance with the GDPR, we hereby inform you that the Data Controller will process the personal data concerning you under the following conditions.

Art. 1. Purpose and legal basis of the processing. Mandatory or optional provision. Consequences of refusing treatment.

The processing of personal data is aimed at achieving the following purposes:

to. to allow registration on the Site and access the services reserved for registered users as well as to allow compliance with the obligations deriving from the law or regulations in force, in particular, in the administrative, accounting and public security fields. The legal basis of the processing is the need for the Data Controller to carry out pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party or to fulfill a legal obligation;

b. in the case of placing an online purchase order, to allow the conclusion of the purchase contract and the correct execution of the operations connected to the same (and, if necessary based on sector legislation, to fulfill tax obligations). The legal basis of the processing is the obligation of the Data Controller to execute the contract with the interested party or to fulfill legal obligations;

c. limited to the e-mail coordinates provided by you in the context of a purchase through the Site, to allow the direct offer by the Data Controller of similar products (so-called soft spamming), provided that you do not object to such processing in the manner provided for in this information. The legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in sending this type of communications. This legitimate interest can be considered equivalent to the interest of the interested party in receiving "soft-spam" communications;

d. subject to your consent, for sending newsletters and for carrying out market surveys, also aimed at evaluating the degree of user satisfaction, and for sending advertising material relating to products of the Data Controller and/or third parties , by means of systems such as email ( marketing purposes ); The legal basis of the processing is the consent of the interested party;

And. to respond by email or telephone to your requests. The provision is optional, but your refusal will make it impossible for the Data Controller to respond to your requests. The legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in responding to the user's requests. This legitimate interest is equivalent to the user's interest in receiving responses to communications sent to the Data Controller.

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in points a) and b) is purely optional. However, since this processing is necessary to make a purchase on the Site, your refusal to provide the data in question will make it impossible to make such a purchase via the Site.

Consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes is purely optional. Failure to consent will exclusively imply the consequences described below.

Failure to consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes will make it impossible for you to receive advertising material relating to products of the Data Controller and/or third parties as well as the impossibility for the Data Controller to carry out market research, even direct ones. to evaluate the level of user satisfaction, as well as to send you newsletters.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is understood that the Data Controller may in any case use your personal data for the sole purpose of correctly fulfilling the obligations established by the laws in force and the obligations deriving from the contractual relationships existing between you and the Data Controller.

We remind you that you can also object to the processing of your personal data via a specific link at the bottom of any email with promotional content sent by the Data Controller.

Payment card data

To make a payment using one of the payment cards offered on the Site, the user must enter the confidential payment card data directly on a page which will communicate via a secure encryption protocol with the payment service provider (which will act as independent data controller), without passing through the server of the Data Controller who, therefore, will not process such data in any way. The data will be acquired in encrypted format.

In execution of the legal obligations established by Directive 2015/2366/ (EU) on payment services in the internal market (PSD2), you are informed that, with reference to purchases made on the Site by credit card, among the data necessary for the conclusion of the purchase process may include the mobile number you communicated, or other personal data necessary to complete the purchase process. In fact, to allow you to complete the purchase, the payment institution responsible for managing the operation will send you an authentication code, which must be reported by you as part of the purchase procedure to satisfy the authentication criteria required by the PSD2 (Strong Customer Authentication). The processing of your personal data for these purposes has as its legal basis the fulfillment of legal obligations and does not require your consent.

With reference to payment card data, it is specified that the processing of your personal data is necessary to allow the conclusion of the online purchase contract with the Data Controller. Failure to provide this data will therefore not allow you to complete the online purchase process.


On the Site it is also possible to purchase via the PayPal payment tool. In this case, you will be directed to a page external to the Site, in which you will have to indicate the personal data requested by PayPal - which will act as independent data controller - to complete the purchase process. Personal data will not pass through the Site's server which, therefore, will not process such data in any way. The processing of your personal data is necessary to allow the conclusion of the online purchase contract with the Data Controller. Failure to provide this data will therefore not allow you to complete the online purchase process.

Special or judicial data

The Data Controller does not process particular or judicial data.

Art. 2. Processing methods

The processing of your personal data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, according to the methods and with the tools suitable to guarantee its security and confidentiality in compliance with the GDPR.

The information acquired and the methods of processing will be relevant and not excessive in relation to the type of services rendered. The data will also be managed and protected in environments whose access is under constant control.

Art. 3. Communication and dissemination of data

Your data may be communicated:

  • to all those subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data pursuant to regulatory or administrative provisions
  • to companies or third parties in charge of printing, enveloping, shipping and/or delivery and/or collection services of products purchased through the Site
  • to post offices, couriers, suppliers (e.g. drop shipping sales) or shippers responsible for delivering products purchased through the Site
  • to banking institutions and companies that manage national or international payment circuits through which online payments are made for products purchased through the Site
  • to companies, consultants or professionals possibly responsible for the installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, management of the hardware and software of the Data Controller or which the latter uses for the provision of its services
  • to external companies responsible for sending advertising communications on behalf of the Data Controller
  • to the employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller
  • to those who manage online payment transactions
  • to all those public and/or private entities, natural and/or legal persons (legal, administrative and tax consultancy firms, Judicial Offices, Chambers of Commerce, Chambers and Labor Offices, etc.), if the communication is necessary or functional to the correct fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the law.

The data concerning you will not be disclosed, except in anonymous and aggregate form, for statistical or research purposes.

Art. 4. Data Controller

The Data Controller of personal data can be contacted at the following addresses:

ACASrl Viale Emilio Caldara 15 Milan MI 20122 IT
Telephone: +39 3755890086
Through the contact form on the Site.

Art. 5. Storage of personal data

The user's data will be kept only for the time necessary to guarantee the correct provision of the services offered and in any case within the terms established by the legislation or by the provisions of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

In the event of closure of the Site account on the user's initiative, the data contained therein will be retained for administrative purposes for a period not exceeding 90 days, without prejudice to any specific legal obligations on the conservation of accounting documentation or for public purposes. safety.

In any case, it is understood that personal data will be stored and processed for marketing purposes for the period of time permitted by law and by the provisions of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data. At the end of this period, the Data Controller may ask the user to renew consent to the processing of their data for these purposes or to make them anonymous and keep them solely for statistical or historical purposes.

Art. 6. Transfer of personal data to third countries

The Data Controller will transfer your personal data to Canada. With reference to this country, the European Commission has established that the level of protection offered in terms of personal data protection is adequate and that, therefore, it is possible to transfer personal data there.

Art. 7. Rights of the interested party

Pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Regulation, the Data Controller informs you that you have the right to:

  • ask the Data Controller to access your personal data and to rectify or cancel them or limit the processing that concerns you or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability
  • revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (e.g. the Guarantor for the protection of personal data).

The above rights may be exercised with a request addressed without formalities to the Data Controller at the contacts indicated above.

Art. 8. Amendments

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this information at any time, giving suitable publicity to users of the Site and guaranteeing in any case adequate and similar protection of personal data. In order to view any changes, you are invited to regularly consult this information.

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